Every student, every day.


Grades Taught



We are a vibrant K-6 school with an enthusiastic staff who are committed to providing quality learning opportunities for our children. 


I am excited to continue to carry on the great traditions we have at WMES. Strong communication is necessary for a school to be effective and you will notice we work hard at telling our story. We value collaboration between all stakeholders in our learning community and strive to inspire all of us to work together in helping our students reach their personal potential. 

Here at West Meadow, we welcome any suggestions and feedback that you believe may enhance your child’s experience. Please do not hesitate to email or call me to share your thoughts.

Sean Latta – Principal


(403) 625 4464


Where Everyone Learns and Belongs


Building a place where everyone is a valued member of a collaborative team, doing meaningful work in an environment of trust.


In 2020, West Meadow Elementary school has begun the journey towards becoming a leadership school using the Leader in Me framework.  Our school has chosen to operate through a uniquely different lens. Leader in Me is about empowering all our children to reach their full potential while ultimately finding their voice. As a school, we are building towards five core commitments. These Core Paradigms are the belief and way we view all students. At this school we see that: 

  • Everyone is a leader. 
  • Everyone has genius. 
  • Change starts with me. 
  • We empower students to lead their own learning. 
  • Educators and families partner to develop the whole person. 

Education Plan

We believe in providing a high impact quality education for all our students. Our three wildly important goals are:

  1. Empower highly effective students and adults who are leaders in their school and community
  2. Nurture a high-trust school culture where every person’s voice is heard and their potential is affirmed.
  3. Inspire engaged students who are equipped to achieve and entrusted to lead their own learning.

For more information, please check out our Annual Education Plan and Results Report

School Notice

Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Join our Kindergarten program where students learn through literacy, numeracy, music, art, and play. Students who will be 5 by December 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. 


Register Now