In Livingstone Range School Division No. 68, educating students with special needs in inclusive settings is the first placement option to be considered by schools, in consultation with parents and, when appropriate, students. Inclusion, by definition, refers not just to setting, but to specially designated instruction and support for students in regular classrooms and neighborhood schools.” (Standards for Special Education 2004, Pg. 1)
Program planning and decision-making are based upon the Guiding Principles used to determine the most enabling environment for the student.The most enabling environment is defined as one in which:
- Parents are partners.
- Students are not labeled or categorized, but viewed with individual strengths and weaknesses.
- Physical and educational settings are appropriate to the age, ability and interest of all students.
- Allowance is made for the dignity of risk in challenging situations.
- Suitably timed and frequent feedback by the teacher promotes demonstrable outcomes.
- School work is matched to student skills and interests through progress monitoring.
- Continuous opportunity is provided for the student to have meaningful interactions with peers.
- All students are treated fairly in providing responses in class.
- Intensive instruction occurs.
- The pupil-teacher ratio permits individualized programs and student portfolios.
- Curriculum is not just content, but is based on principles of child development. Context and process skills are also emphasized.
- Inter-agency collaboration occurs.