West Meadow Farewell Celebration Drive Through Parade

Monday, June 22nd 1:00 - 2:00pm
While this year has been anything but normal, we still want to take some time to celebrate the year and say goodbye as best we can. We would like to invite our families to come drive through in front of our school for a year end farewell. We have never done anything like this before, but we are looking forward to a successful event to finish the year. All staff will be lined up along the front of the school along our bus loop. We would ask that our parents follow these few guidelines on that day:
- Parents enter the front bus loop from the north entrance. Drive slowly through the middle of the loop. Please be patient with traffic and families saying their goodbyes. This may take a while... The parking lot area will be closed down for traffic.
- Families must remain inside their vehicles. Windows can be rolled down, conversations can be had, celebrations shared. (Feel free to make signs and cheer and celebrate as you see fit). In the event that you have something to give to a staff member or the school, we will come to the vehicle. Please know that staff will not be giving anything out at this time. Report cards will be mailed before June 26th.
We know this is not the ideal situation. We understand that we will all miss the hugs, high fives and traditional ways of saying goodbye that can't be had when following physical distancing rules. We thank you for your support as we look to honour the guidelines in place by the Alberta Government and Alberta Education.