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WMES At Home Learning May 2021

May 5, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you are now likely aware, the Alberta Government has announced that all students in grades K-6 will be moved to at-home learning effective Friday May 7th. This will remain in effect until Tuesday May 25th.

We understand the challenges this places on everyone. Students, families and staff all are faced with extra challenges of changing routines and moving out of what we are comfortable with. First and foremost, it is important to recognize that this isn’t easy. It has been a tough year and we are all feeling the effects of this pandemic. It is also important to remember that we also have some amazing students and staff who will make the best of our current situation. 

Here is what we know moving forward

    • This Friday will be a transition day that will allow for WMES staff to set up the next possible learning activities for all our students. There are no virtual meetings or classes scheduled.
    • Over the next few days teachers will be preparing paper packages to supplement the learning. They will communicate with each family directly on when those packages will be available for pickup.
    • On Monday’s, teachers will share the weekly learning plans for their class. They will be sent directly to each family and will also be posted on our school website in the Weekly Work tab. Work expectations for our students will be approximately 5 hours of work per week in addition to the online meetings. Weekly learning plans can be found here!
    • Each class will have a 45 minute classroom meeting scheduled Monday-Thursday during the day. These meetings will be staggered so no grades meet at the same time. We anticipate that this reduces the load on technology and wifi use in your home. The times are set as follows


  • Scheduled Classroom Meeting Times (45 minutes tops)
      • 9:15 Kindergarten
      • 10:00 Grade 4
      • 10:45 Grade 6
      • 11:30 Grade 5
      • 12:15 Grade 3
      • 1:00 Grade 2
      • 1:45 Grade 1
  • We will continue to use the tools we have worked with all year with our students. This is mainly SeeSaw and Google Classroom.
  • Chromebooks are available for loan to students in grades 4-6 who have no other access to technology at home. Contact Sean at the office for more information.
  • Teachers and support staff will be available during the school hours for either phone calls or video conferencing to meet with any students/families who may need extra support through the week. Please connect directly with them as needed.

While we can never predict what will happen in the future, we are anticipating our students to be back within our school on Tuesday May 25. If you have any questions about this, or any other information at our school, feel free to contact us at the school. We are here to help, as every family situation is unique. As always, thank you for your continued support at making WMES a great place.

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School Notice

Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Join our Kindergarten program where students learn through literacy, numeracy, music, art, and play. Students who will be 5 by December 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. 


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