WMES Fall Family Run Club

Family Fall Run Club
Grades 2 - 6
Mondays and Thursdays
After School (3:30 - 4:15)
Mr. Latta & Ms. Wendy Thompson
Once again we will be starting our fall run club. This is an opportunity to build a love of running and prepare for the first ever 2023 WMES Family Colour Fun Run.
We will meet on Mondays and Thursdays after school in the common area and then make our way over to the high school track to run together. We encourage any family members to join us. You don’t need to be a runner, just be willing to come out and give it your best.We will run on the following schedule
Sep 7 Walk 1 minute; Run 1 Minute (Total 20 minutes)
Sep 11 Walk 30 seconds; Run 1 Minute (Total 20 minutes)
Sep 14 Walk 1 minute; Run 2 minutes (Total 21 minutes)
Sep 18 Walk 1 minute: Run 3 minutes (Total 22 Minutes)
Sep 21 Walk 1 minute; Run 4 minutes (Total 25 Minute)
Please make sure your students have appropriate running shoes for outdoor running. We will run in most any kind of weather, so students need to be prepared. We will run from after school to about 4:15. Please meet your child in front of the school for pick up.
If you are interested in having your child run in the WMES fundraiser on Sep 23, please look out for registration links which we will share on the app. Don’t forget to sign up on the app to the WMES Athletics group for any information about run club for the year.