What Every Parent Wishes Someone Would Have Told Them About How Their Child Learns

Wednesday May 15 7:00pm
Streamed on WMES YouTube Page
Excited to hear from Dr. Mattatall next week! Can't join us in person? Event will be livestreamed via WMES youtube page! Huge thank you to Dr. Mattatall who is also allowing us to record so all parents and guardian's can still benefit from this after the night is over!
Here is what is happening:Your child’s brain is under construction. It is susceptible to various influences within and beyond the school that shape it into its future self. The decisions we make now about what your child’s brain is exposed to, and how it is challenged to think, react and develop will determine how healthy your future child will be. The good news according to Educational Psychologist Dr. Chris Mattatall (University of Lethbridge), is that we know how to build healthy brains. Furthermore, we know that a good collaboration between home and school will help us ensure your children leave West Meadow Elementary School ready for the challenges ahead.