Locked School Doors at West Meadow Elementary School

Locked School Doors at West Meadow Elementary School
We are pleased to announce a new initiative to keep our students safety and learning a top priority. Effective immediately, all school doors - including the main front door- will be locked during school hours, once students have arrived for the day.
School visitors, including parents and other guests, will be welcomed into the office after ringing the front door bell and being buzzed in by staff. This new procedure allows us to know who is in the building at all times and to minimize classroom disruptions by flowing all visitors directly through the office.
We believe this will be a positive step forward for the safety and well being of our students. Questions about the locked doors or any other measures for student safety may be directed to Mr. Latta (lattas@lrsd.ab.ca) or Mrs. Burrows (burrowsd@lrsd.ab.ca) or by calling the school - 403 625 4464.
Please Note:
This decision was made by the Livingstone Range School Division prior to the COVID19 Pandemic as an enhanced school security measure. All Elementary Schools in LRSD are now equipped (or will be soon) with a front door buzzer.