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Parent Surevy - Leader in Me Journey

Our school is implementing a whole-school transformational process called the Leader in Me, which teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. Many of you will be familiar with these skills as the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

One of the first, and most important steps, is conducting surveys to learn more about key areas of strength and areas of needed growth in our school. In order for us to have the big picture of what is going on in our school, we are asking all staff members, parents/guardians, and students in Grade 3 and up to participate.

We would like to ask you to complete a survey (without sharing your name or other identifying information) that will be available through the web link below. The survey is completely voluntary, but we do hope to get feedback from one member of every household.

The parent/guardian survey takes about 12 minutes to complete and will ask questions about your child and about his or her experience in our school. If you have more than one child attending the school, you will be asked to think about the oldest child's experiences as you answer questions related to his or her growth.

We are very excited about moving forward with using the Leader in Me, helping our students reach greater heights, and continuing to build on the great culture of excellence we have at the school. We look forward to partnering with our parent council, and working to help all our families understand the impact and importance of using the 7 Habits in our lives. This exciting journey will not happen overnight, as we understand that important learning and growth can take time. That being said, we are committed to moving through this journey as a school and continuing to be a place “Where Everyone Learns and Belongs”

Complete the survey here


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School Notice

Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Join our Kindergarten program where students learn through literacy, numeracy, music, art, and play. Students who will be 5 by December 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. 


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