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WMES Leadership Day

WMES Leadership Day

May 31, 2023

10:30 am


Come join our students as we welcome guests into our school for our annual WMES Leadership Day. This day is about celebrating all the students and their focus on leadership learning over the school year.

The day will start with an assembly at 10:30 in which you will hear about the various leadership responsibilities students have been a part of in our school. You will also hear about learning around the 7 habits and how they help our students as they learn and grow. 

After the assembly, guests will be welcome to wander around our building and hear from different student ambassadors as they highlight some of what we are most proud of in our school. You will also get to pop into classrooms and see what some of our leadership learning looks like.

At 12:00, students and guests will be welcome to take a picnic lunch (ham sandwich, chips, apple and juice box) outside and enjoy together.

We hope you will join us for this exciting day!

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Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Join our Kindergarten program where students learn through literacy, numeracy, music, art, and play. Students who will be 5 by December 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. 


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